This Privacy Statement applies to CIRIL website. Please note that our site may contain links to other sites. CIRIL is not responsible for the privacy practices, privacy statements, or content regarding these other sites.

Personal Information

We do not collect any personal information from a visitor to our site unless that visitor explicitly and intentionally provides it. Under no circumstances do we collect any personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, health, or sex life. If you are simply browsing our site, we do not gather any personal information about you.

Statistical Information about Your Visit

When you visit our site, our computers may automatically collect statistics about your visit. This information does not identify you personally, but rather about a visit to our site. We may monitor statistics such as how many people visit our site, the user's IP address, which pages people visit, from which domains our visitors come and which browsers people use. We use these statistics about your visit for aggregation purposes only. These statistics are used to help us improve the performance of our Website.

Sending you responses and updates

We generally respond to any E-mail questions, requests for product or service information, and other inquiries that we receive. We may also retain this correspondence to improve our products, services, and Website, and for other disclosed purposes. Frequently we retain contact information so that we can send individuals updates or other important information about our services and products.


CIRIL members are market leaders in their respective markets with an average 2 decades, commercial real estate market experience. Members have a transaction management portfolio of 30+ mn sft...

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